Rivermont Summer Academies will appeal to older students. Our summer academies offer specialized programs that align with middle and high school students’ diverse interests and developmental stages. Rivermont Summer Academies are structured so students taking more than one week of a session will continually expand and build upon their knowledge regardless of the weeks they select. So, each week is not a repeat of the previous. The range of activities, from sports training to intellectual challenges in chess, science experiments, tabletop gaming, and music performance, caters to a broad spectrum of interests. Our summer academies also provide an opportunity for older students to further develop and hone their skills in specific areas of interest, such as advanced chess strategies, TTRPG mastery, or musical proficiency. The inclusion of an ACT/SAT Prep Academy also addresses the practical needs of high school students preparing for college admission exams, contributing to their academic success. Overall, the diverse and skill-focused nature of the programs creates an engaging and enriching summer experience tailored to the interests and aspirations of older students.

Dates: June 10 – August 2 (No camp July 4th or 5th)
Register by the week or for the entire summer!

Week 1: June 10-14
Week 2: June 17-21
Week 3: June 24-28
Week 4: July 1-3 (4 & 5 holiday)
Week 5: July 8-12
Week 6: July 15-19
Week 7: July 22-26
Week 8: July 29-August 2

Sessions & Descriptions

Running Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. | $50/week

The Running Academy is designed for middle and high school students who intend to run cross country during the coming fall season. Each athlete will be provided developmentally appropriate workouts, building fitness throughout the summer. Each day will include a warm-up, main workout, cool down, stretching, and tips about becoming a better runner. The group will go on runs on and around campus and local neighborhoods. Occasionally, the group will drive out to hiking trails and parks to run on novel terrain. The academy will be overseen by Collin Lawrence, Rivermont’s track and cross-country coach, who has over 30 years of competitive running experience as an athlete or coach.

Beginning Chess Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. | $50/week

Beginning Chess offers a solid foundation for new or beginning students in the game of chess. The course begins with a brief introduction to the history of chess, covering the basic movements of pieces and special rules such as En Passant, castling, and stalemate.

Advanced Chess Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. | $70/week

Enhance your knowledge and skills in chess! Have you ever wondered how chess masters approach and excel in the game? Our experienced instructor will teach the techniques and insights you need to participate in chess tournaments confidently.

Food & Cooking Academy
M-F, June 10-28 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. | $50/week

Beginner and intermediate students will learn both the science of the kitchen and practical skills in this spinoff of a popular culinary science class.

Science Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. | $50/week

Science Academy is designed for middle and upper-level students who have a love for science and the natural world around them. In this club, students will learn about the mechanics guiding the world around them through discussion, observation, and experimentation.

Music Academy
M-F, June 10-21 & July 15-26 | 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. | $200/2-week session

Rivermont Music Academy is designed for middle and high school students with at least one year of experience playing their instrument.  The academy will focus on preparing a concert for a large group performance at the end of this two-week session.

TTRPG Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. | $100/week

Whether it is Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or Warhammer 40k, this club has plenty of opportunities to let you show off your hobby and experience it with your like-minded peers.

ACT/SAT Prep Academy
M-F, June 10-August 2 | 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. | $70/week

Turn your summer break into a journey toward college preparation success! This camp offers a comprehensive learning experience, equipping you with various techniques and essential knowledge to confidently tackle SAT math problems.

Heartsaver® Academy
M-F, June 10-28 & July 15-19 | 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. | $75/week

This program caters to middle and high school students aspiring to acquire essential life-saving skills applicable when babysitting, in community settings, and beyond.

Volleyball Academy
M-F, July 22-26, July 15-19, & July 29-August 2 | 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. | $50/week

The Volleyball Academy is designed for middle and high school students who intend to play volleyball during the fall season (MS girls/boys, HS girls) or spring season (HS boys).

Policies & Procedures

About Rivermont Summer Academies

Our summer academies run weekly from June 10 – August 2, 2024 (No sessions July 4th & 5th)

Register by the week or for the entire summer!


Convenient Online Registration

Register your camper for the age or grade level they will be this fall.

Make sure to submit all the required forms via links in your confirmation email, before starting Camp Rivermont.

  • Asthma Action Plan
  • Epi Pen Self-Administration Form
  • Food Allergy Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
  • OTC Medication Form

Confirmation Policy

Registration is completed online. Once payment is collected, you will receive a confirmation email listing the session(s) and the dates and times your student attends. If a session is full, you can be added to a waitlist without charge. NOTE: Some sessions may require students to bring supplies in addition to what the school provides. These additional supplies are listed in the camp description. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Summer Camp Director.

Cancellation Policy

  • Sessions are refundable up to two weeks before the start date or if the class is canceled.
  • Please contact the school as soon as possible with your changes. Call 563-359-1366.

Health Guidelines

  • Any student who is ill should not come to camp.
  • Students with a temperature of 100.4° or higher should stay home.
  • Students will be sent home if they develop a temperature of 100.4° or higher while at camp.
  • Students may not return until they are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
  • Tuition will not be refunded due to illness.

Drop-Off & Pick-Up

The Rivermont Collegiate campus is one way. Families should enter from Sunset Drive and continue right around the circle to drop off then continue right to the lower lot and exit campus.

Students driving themselves should park in designated parking areas and check-in at Becherer Hall (Central Hall). Please, do not park in the circle drive, the hill leading to the lower lot, or any other area not designated for parking.

Due to the various start and end times, students should arrive between 10 and 15 minutes before their scheduled start time. Please, do not arrive early.

Families should arrive at the scheduled end time to pick up their students in the circle drive.