Rivermont Collegiate Receives Fifth Carrie Chapman Catt Award for Outstanding Voter Registration Initiative
Registering to vote is a fundamental right and a key mechanism for individuals to actively shape the future of their community, region, and nation. Democracy relies on the active participation of its citizens. Registering to vote and casting a ballot are essential components of a healthy and robust democratic system.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate launched a new voter registration initiative in 2019 aimed at Iowa high school students. Every school in Iowa that signs up and registers at least 90 percent of their eligible students to vote receives the Carrie Chapman Catt Award, named after an Iowan and national women’s suffrage movement leader.
Since the program began, 100% of eligible students at Rivermont Collegiate have registered to vote. On Friday, January 5, the school received its fifth Carrie Chapman Catt Award from IA Secretary of State Paul Pate.
By providing the tools to register to vote, Rivermont Collegiate equips its students with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to participate in our democracy. It reflects the school’s commitment to preparing students for their roles as informed and engaged citizens.
Front row, Rivermont Headmaster, Max Roach, IA Secretary of State, Paul Pate, Rivermont Senior, Vyon Pancholi, Scott County Auditor & Commissioner of Elections, Kerri Tompkins, and Rivermont Assistant Head of School, Collin Lawrence.